Park/Hero Action MMO Engines
I predict SBC (like Raspberry 4 and Jetson Nano, maybe RISV-V if we're lucky or Intel Atom if we're unlucky) will become the main form of client computing before the end of this decade, ending not only closed ARM (Apple, Google and Nintendo) but also the X86 empire (Intel, AMD, Microsoft and Sony) because of three reasons:
- Everyone wants to make something open that they also own (as in nobody can deny them the right to use it commercially) and therefore can sell and repair. As opposed to consume something closed (on closed wares*) that they have to pay for and eventually rent (the new hardware every year and now app stores are rents).
- Computers are not getting better, so if you buy open quality; you could use it for the rest of your life. There are no new desktop CPUs that are usable in a Streacom FC9 passively cooled case. Intel and AMD are now lying about the TDP openly stating 65W everywhere on CPUs that use between 80-200W. Which is why I'm trying to imagine the final computer: Raspberry (5W) and uConsole.
- Electricity is not an energy source. It's price is physically required to increase as dead trees EROEI goes down. Marginal prices will push the energy cost of the market to eventually exhaust itself, no matter how much they raise interest rates. In other words: nature will break the neck of civilization like you snap a twig.
The open 2D/3D (metaverse does not need VR) action MMO is the final media (or medium), it's the only safe place to be during this decade.
The best way to describe the future to a child could be something like this: We're going from survival mode (fake jobs with soft money), to creative (no jobs and base income/citizen salary) to suddenly hardcore (back to real work and hard money).
Good luck out there you fools!
*wares = hard, firm and soft ecosystem, meaning open will win over closed.
Park 3D Engine (preview)
Hero 2D Engine (upcoming)
Fuse Multiplayer Online Standard
Links to go deeper into the rabbit hole:
"In other words, today’s cloud and mobile companies — Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and Google — may very well be the GM, Ford, and Chrysler of the 21st century."1
“None of this physical world stuff has any digital world value.”2
"You Must Give Something Away — Exit Rights"3